Thursday, June 14, 2012

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

 A wise man speaks because he has something to say; a fool because he has to say something.
Quoted in Des MacHale,
Wisdom (London, 2002).

I use to  spend an extraordinary amount of my time worrying. At the time I called it planning and other such frivolous wording but for me in the end it was a lot of time wasted.

I was always analyzing yesterdays to have a better grasp on my tomorrows... I was forgetting my today's.

Recently I recognized that today is all that is important. Today is the opportunity I have been waiting for; the moment finally arriving. Now it is my pleasure to do.

A person told me that action is all that matters. Planning is not doing.. And now I realize because the absence of action is just inaction.. I can call it anything else I want to but inaction is just that... Planning is fine but action is best. Doing is my purpose. I can think and do at the same time. Thoughts and contemplation do not take long.. The doubt that I have of not succeeding is what takes long. Fear of the known coupled with the fears of the unknown. I have used my past mistakes while ignoring or perhaps not putting as much weight on my past triumphs.

Its all about my perception. I have done great things in my past, I will do great things in my future, but all of the actions begin in the today.

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