Monday, June 11, 2012




characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings: a benevolent attitude; her benevolent smile.
desiring to help others; charitable: gifts from several benevolent alumni.
intended for benefits rather than profit: a benevolent institution.

I want to grow in benevolence.  

In my personal life I would like to express goodwill and kindness to all that I encounter.

In my home I would like to maintain the desire to help and give the benefits of my love and dedication to my husband and family. 

In our marriage where benevolence is shared between us.

If you get to know me you will quickly learn that I have a STRONG opinion about a few things concerning MY life. See the MY that means I am not talking about the other YOU just ME and MY. :)

Ok in my life I have a few things that are important to me.
  1. My husband- Here is the tricky part I am not married. :)
  2. My Children- I have a few and I would add many many more!
  3. Family- This means anyone born, adopted, cherished, loved, supported, that I call my own. 
  4. Close friends- See family
  5. My values and ideas. 

 I believe that it is IMPORTANT for ME to place my HUSBAND and CHILDREN and FAMILY before anything and anyone else.. No I am not ducking to hide ;) and YES I am serious! I am proud and anyone that knows me will tell you this about me. I am a wife and mother first. I have no confusion regarding my goals and desires. 
  • Yes I have a college degree.. Ok I have more then one. BUT that doesn't matter...
  • Before you ask no I do not feel I am wasting my education ... I am educated no matter my employment status  :)
  • I am achieving things. I am RAISING a HUMAN... Hummm if that is not important I do not know what else is.
  • I am catering to my husband and family.. .THAT is important. 
  • NO I am not board. I have a brain and I know how to do things besides the TV to keep me busy
  • YES I have friends :)
All joking aside readers. I am happiest when I am doing the things I love.. I think we all are. I think that is the most improtant thing to remember in life.
Find the thing that you LOVE and makes you happy and DO it. Today I did...


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