Monday, June 18, 2012

A chance meeting

I meet someone recently.. Or should I say he meet me ;)

He sent me a note that stated he was interested in me and I responded as I was interested in him. Now we begin the journey of discovery...

I realize now that in the past I was not honest with myself in the beginning and as I discovered more I liked less.

When the benefits outweighed the pain.. I left. I could have saved myself years with honesty.

I am being 100% honest and truthful with myself and him.
I have the capacity to love. I choose to love, I know how to love.

I want to love my mate with the unconditional love found in few relationships.

As a mother I love my children with unfaltering dedication and support. I love them and would do all within my power to protect them. All decision I make are with them in mind and putting them first. I have been a mother for 18 years. I am good at this. I only know how to function like this.

What I recently learned though is putting me first is Putting them first. My health physically, mentally, physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually all need to be balanced for me to be a smooth running machine.

I am taking those same principles and using them in my personal life. I know how to love unconditionally I do it all the time.

I know how to forgive and forget. I do it every day!

I know how to teach others how to treat me! I do it every day!

I know how to hold my temper, count my words, and play nice. I do it every day!

There are no excuses why I should not apply those same principles through out my entire life. Especially my personal/romantic/love arena.

Are you holding up your end of happiness?

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