Sunday, June 24, 2012

Do I seek success or simply do what I love?

I saw a twitter post today by "@Oprah Did you seek success or simply to do what you love?"

I thought this would be a wonderful conversation to have with myself. 

I use to do what I thought I needed to do. When I was younger I was told that I needed to have a job and go to work. It was explained to me that this was life. People went to high school, got a job preferably(think postal, military) a good job, worked and retired. 

I dare to think outside the box. I do not hold the idea of a job being the only way. I believe that to be neither truth or fact instead I see a job as one of an infinite about of choices to sustain oneself. 

I have worked my share of jobs, I have run my share of small business. I have found what I needed in them all. Now I know what I desire.

My desire is to be my own boss. I have to take the steps to do that. And then this question came to me.

"Do I seek success or simply do what I love?" My answer is both

I find success in seeking the things that I love.  Doing what I love is how I defined my success..

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