Saturday, June 23, 2012

The impossible into possible

I recently began to work out again. This is not my first time around this rodeo but it will be my last. I have finally changed my thoughts and now my actions can follow.

The epiphany that began a few weeks ago has continued in every aspect of my life.  My mind, body, and soul must all be in sync.

I know believe the impossible is possible.. And I believe that because I began the journey with the 5steps.

  1. There is simply yes or no
  2. I do less thinking more doing.
  3. I have expectations for myself every day. I make a list of what I expect of myself, I hold myself accountable.
  4. I mark every step and every achievement in writing.
  5. I make no excuses.
And then it came to me!

Motivational coach/ speaker

Profound thanks

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