Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Special day..A new year

Today is my birthday. I am 34. When I was 24 I dreaded this day. It felt like 34 was 184. I am not sure why but 10 years ago today seemed like a huge difference Today I am 34 and I am so happy. Today I am single, divorced, a mother of 3, struggling financially, but insightful and peaceful.

I know me better then I have ever known myself. I am deeply aware of myself and it is both scary and exciting.

Breaking old habits and gaining new ones.

My love language (click the link take the test) is quality time. For the past week my dearest friends have showered me with the most important thing to me.. their time. I did not receive a monetary gift and I am SO content with that. What I have if far more important memories and time with them. I have talked, listened, shared, loved and connected with people that I love an respect. I have discovered yet another facet of me and it is great.

I have the capacity to heal, to learn endless, to grow, give, forgive, share, engage, evolve, achieve, rise, fall, and rise again. Life is a challenge and worth every moment!

Let the new year bring me joy, endless achievements, challenges and growth. I am ready!

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