Sunday, July 15, 2012

Procrastination and Avoidance

I have come to learn that I use procrastination and avoidance as non verbal queues for no thank you and no.

My bedroom closet needs to be cleaned out, I am in the process of cleaning it out is what I say.. The truth is I am NOT making an effort to clean the closet because I don't want to. simple. I have other things I would rather do...
Write, read, listen to music, eat, sleep, cook, go for a walk or ride... I could go on and on but not clean. Then it came to me procrastination and avoidance were excuses and excuses are built from weakness and fears....

I must place my weakness and fears aside to gain what is really mine. Submission is doing what I know is right even when I dont want to and there is no one around to see...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What to do when life offers you what you want.

I have found that in life I wish for a lot of things and I was not always sure why I wanted the thing. As I have begun the process of simplifying my life I have taken more time to narrow down my desires which has helped to the noise in my head.

I am ok with being just a woman who is called, Wife, Mother, Helpmate, Student, Teacher, Friend, Business owner, a contributor to the society I live in. Nothing is impossible there are always probabilities that the things I want can be obtain with the proper motivation and determination.

As I have become clearer in my expectations its amazing how the universe has answered me. I have found that its not about waiting for the "thing" to happen its instead about acting as if that thing is already.

For example I desire to be a wife. My room was not conducive for a mate. If he showed up today he would not feel welcomed like I was expecting his arrival. I changed that. I have begun to make space for the King that is to reside in my life. I began this thought process BEFORE I have officially obtained Him.

My clothes and shoes are being moved to one side of the closet. A dresser is waiting for his things. He is welcomed. I expect the universe to answer and reward my ernest actions.

I am interested in gardening, self sufficient living, community activities on a grass root personal level, travel, food, family. I am the active driver of my life course.

Life it seems is giving me the opportunity I asked for. I am answering with YES..

Has life been knocking at your door, did you miss it? Rest assured your time will come again, mine has.

When life offers you want you want say Yes, thank you! Instead of tearing it to pieces trying to figure out if its "real".

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Update! A chance meeting**** Update

We met I later said no thank you. The end...

Simple :)

Explanations are accepted excuses.

The more I spend simplifying my life and actions I find that I am so much clearer on my goals and expectations of self.

I live in a simple world I have created. Its called Simplicity. Its a place where In the absence of YES every thing else is NO. There is simplicity found in ANYthing other then Yes and its other synonyms being and equals  no and all of its varying synonyms.

Once I was willing to accept yes and no I feel like there was a lot of weight lifted from my mind. I no longer had to guess and wonder what was being said. I simply listen for yes and no. Math became simpler to me. Why because for instance if I want to make increments of 5 there are only a few ways to do that. If I want to keep it simple all I have to remember is the combinations and if they are not present then the answer is no.

In dealing with people I am learning to listen carefully to what is being said. I don't always need explanations as they are just accepted ways of making excuses for no's. I am ok with simple yes or no. If there is additional explanations needed then ok but that is not always the case and I think I forgot that I have control of self and what emerges from my mouth and my emotions. I make decisions every moment of every day even if it is unconscious. I am actively becoming more away of my explanations and reasoning behind my actions and what I have found is that end the end they are all fear based excuses, no.

I will say this over and over again.

I have a 50/50 chance of Success/Acceptance/YES by simply asking/acting/doing. While if I do nothing I have a 100% chance of Failure/NO/Rejection.

When I make things this simple I cant not find any reason for me to not try. That is simple math you take the chance that affords you the higher odds.. I am simplifying my life with continued practice.

I have many desires and goals each one of them I am pursuing in some form or fashion if they are important. There is nothing between yes and no. There is nothing between off and on. There is nothing between action and inaction.

In love and life I choose YES. I do not allow mine or anyone elses explanations of accepted excuses stop me from my YES.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Relationship Killers

I was on twitter a few days ago and I read the following.. I had to write about it.
"Relationship Killers: Insecurity, Trust Issues, Facebook, Twitter, Jealousy, Lack Of Communication, Assumptions, HOES"

Insecurity- is a killer because it shows the world that you don't trust yourself. If you do not trust, accept, love, you how can another? There is a difference between being uncertain and being insecure. People (but really to my other ladies) no man or woman wants to hear how you think your ugly often and yes often is once a day or even once a week in your words or actions. Who wants to be with a person that is subject to fear, lacks self confidence, who is exposed and liable to risk loss or danger, not firmly or reliable placed... I don't!

Trust issues- Unpack your suitcase before you being another journey. Trust is a 2 way street. Learn to be trust worthy and then you can trust.

Facebook- Is not your diary, Not a fantasy world and is not for you to destroy your life over. If a thing cause you great pain and you don't like it why do it? Facebook is not to air all your personal business and secrets and then tell others to mind they business... Um we are you are on the news feed lol.  It is a social site and it is not private. PLEASE remember that! Writer with caution

Twitter- Ditto above.

Jealousy- Has no place in any relationship you hope to cultivate. Period. First because in a loving committed relationship no one should be rivals.. I should not feel guarded, have a suspicion or fear, and I should not be upset over another person successes..

Lack of Communication- Facebook and Twitter, blogs, social media sites, are not and should not be your main form of communication in your relationships. Communication is not yelling, cursing, demanding, threatening, verbal abuse, verbal black mail, silence, a cold shoulder.

Assumptions-  The 4 Agreements say it far better then I ever could

Don’t Make Assumptions
Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life." don Miguel Ruiz

Hoes- Well nuff said right? If you are the hoe, if you around hoes, if you looking for hoes, if you run into hoes.. ALL BAD. A hoe is considered a hoe because she has no value not because of what she does in my opinion. Consider that.. 

And I will add the last one. learn to hear and listen.. We want to be listened to and heard practice and you will become a master. 

I been on vacation

For the past week I have been on vacation. I have taken time to explore the joys of me. I didn't plan a trip to an exciting place with an itinerary filled to the brim.. this time. Instead I have spent the last week enjoying some of my closest friends, pouring into those I love, and receiving all that I am getting. Oh and learning about me.

I turned 34 and I still feel 25. I am glad. I have knowledge and direction. I am in a phase of flux. I am dumping the old for the new and the new for newer. I am learning to relax and release the desire to control that which can not be controlled, Im learning that is a form of anxiety for me, no thank you.

It amazing what I have done with no stress no planning no rushing or overt expectations other then to have fun.

I have enjoyed my passion of reading and I am finding exploration into new areas very tantalizing.

Next year I will be 35. I am in the beginning stages of planning a 2+ week journey internationally.  Failure will come only in my lack of action, I am noting this as motivation and accountability.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Special day..A new year

Today is my birthday. I am 34. When I was 24 I dreaded this day. It felt like 34 was 184. I am not sure why but 10 years ago today seemed like a huge difference Today I am 34 and I am so happy. Today I am single, divorced, a mother of 3, struggling financially, but insightful and peaceful.

I know me better then I have ever known myself. I am deeply aware of myself and it is both scary and exciting.

Breaking old habits and gaining new ones.

My love language (click the link take the test) is quality time. For the past week my dearest friends have showered me with the most important thing to me.. their time. I did not receive a monetary gift and I am SO content with that. What I have if far more important memories and time with them. I have talked, listened, shared, loved and connected with people that I love an respect. I have discovered yet another facet of me and it is great.

I have the capacity to heal, to learn endless, to grow, give, forgive, share, engage, evolve, achieve, rise, fall, and rise again. Life is a challenge and worth every moment!

Let the new year bring me joy, endless achievements, challenges and growth. I am ready!